Selasa, 08 Juli 2008

PageRank Tragedy and How To detect the useless Link

Last week I heard so many people has been shocked by PageRank tragedy, in around the world included in Indonesia. I like what’s Yaro said “I think one of the best ways to reduce the impact of Google’s PageRank is to talk less about it”, That’s mean if you ignore something or talk less and less about something it loses all power.

However, people seem still to care about it. Blogger care, Search Engine Optimizers care. A little info about this tragedy at Indonesia, that’s Indonesian people is not seem too much care of it even I know, still to care and I think their would like to change the strategies cause of it.

Webmaster, SEO, Bloggers have been expecting a pagerank update for several moths. With Clear fluctuations in the Google Datacenters indicating a mass change affecting many sites at once. Some said Pagerank was being pashed out, and other thought maybe Google change or setting up a new system. But, exactly no one knows except Google even SEOmaster.

In fact, that Google drives a heap of traffic and Pagerank, despite it’s well reported weaknesses as a gauge for a site’s value, is widely used by many online advertising services , but as long as people continue to care and choose to value sites using PageRank, this situation will remain.Google’s not to blame.

A few moths ago was hit with a pagerank penalty from 6 to 5 rank. The pagerank penalty appeared to be manually applied and many speculated that Google was. Most of reason, it cause many people has been slapped for Pagerank penalty for link exchange program.

Most Blogger who dropped in Pagerank during this penalty sweep were not reporting for any decrease traffic, maybe it’s to early or not. But if the report sill not comes up, I think it cause Favorites or Bookmarking system when you like to see blogs or sites.

Some theory of this Pagerank Penalty….

“If your blog or website sells links without using the nofollow tag, which could artificially inflate search engine rankings, Google takes issue and attempts to discourage the practice by reducing your PageRank. At least that’s the theory”.

For this theory, I take conclusion of that’s Google do not like the practice of selling links system for boosting the ranking and I just don’t know exactly why they are applying the PageRank penalties, which makes it very difficult to react even if you want to appease Google.

Over the last few days something happened in Blogging world, and also outside the blogging world have taken a dive and other bloggers already hit by penalty. However with this round of penalties, some of the Blogs taking a hit have no history of selling links or completing paid reviews. The bad news is when the people with relatively clean slates also drop significantly.

Here’s the list of the Pagerank changes

  • (from 7 to 5)

* Coolest Gadgets (from 5 to 3)

* CyberNet News (from 6 to 4)

* Quick Online Tips (from 6 to 3)

* Search Engine Roundtable (from 7 to 4)

* Blog Herald (from 6 to 4)

* Weblog Tools Collection (from 6 to 4)

* Problogger (from 6 to 4)

* Copyblogger (from 6 to 4)

How detect and to get free pass from Pagerank Penalty

I have a many solution, many theory.In here I want to give some solution, this tools is how to detect a paid link or now, we can say that’s a bad link. It’s free, so hurry up and check Useless Link Detector out.

Ok, after you check the link, I need your comment about it then create some of theory and share in here for any people

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